There's a massive shift going on in the world around us. Economic turmoil, a pandemic, forced shut downs, and businesses being told they are non-essential.
If you work in sales or own a business, you have most likely had to make some serious changes in how you do business.
The way we prospect for customers has forever been changed. 

It's almost as if switch was flipped and things changed from offline to online overnight.

Door knocking for sales is now almost illegal, cold calls are harder to make because people are working from home using their mobile phones which makes it harder to find their numbers to call. The gate keeper is no longer in the office but in his or her home.

That doesn't mean you and your business can't still make sales. It just means you need to change up HOW you make sales.

When the government created social distancing, they took face to face human interaction away, but they didn't take us off of social media.

Over the last decade social media has made millions of people millionaires . And as more people work from home, more people are spending more of their time on social media surfing sites like facebook and instagram. There's more than 4.5 billion people on social media right now. 2.6 billion people use facebook each month and over 1 billion people use Instagram each month.

Your target audience IS on social media, no matter who they are.
 I've Heard Enough Sign Me Up Today

My name is Ryan Stewman and I started using social media for my business over 12 years ago. My clients include doctors, lawyers, bankers, millionaires, big business owners, and sales professionals just like you. Thanks to the power of social media, I've been able to close over $100M in sales from sites like facebook and instagram in the last decade. That's right, you heard me correct, that's $100M in sales directly from social media across many different industries.

Social media can no longer be denied as the BEST place to get leads, have real conversations, and convert prospects into clients.

 Those who choose to ignore this trend will be left behind and eventually be ran out of their respective industries.

Back in the early 2000's the one of the first things you did when you started a business was register a domain. Now, one of the first things companies do is create their social media profiles.

The most successful people in the world are on social media.

The biggest businesses in existence are on social media.
If success leaves clues, there's the only clue you need to know to understand just how powerful and important social media is.

Most people don't get business from social media for one reason and one reason only - they are doing it wrong!

If you know you can get more business from social media, but aren't sure how to go about it, I want to help you for...


That's right! There's no cost at all!

My team and I are conducting 50 FREE social media audits over the next week. These audits will be done via zoom with you, and we will show you exactly how to set up your profiles across the 2 biggest social media channels in existence. We will show you how to make your profile PRO-JECT the persona of the attractive character which gets your potential prospects to reach out asking to do business with you. 

People buy from people they know, like and trust. Social media is the best place for people to see you, get to know you, decide if they like you, and ultimately trust you enough to give you their business.

If you'd like to be one of the 50 people who get a FREE social media profile audit this week, simply click the button below and fill out the form. After you fill out the form, you will be directed to a calendar where you can schedule a convenient time to hop on zoom and learn how you can set your social media profiles up for success.

Our time is extremely limited and 50 spots fill up very quickly, so make sure you take action now and get on our schedule. There's no obligation for this free audit and it will be recorded for you to go back and watch again if you choose to do so.

Act now and let us show you how you can get prospects coming to you and your business wanting to become clients because of your social media presence.

We look forward to meeting you on zoom and helping you get your profiles set up correct.

Click the button below and sign up now!

© Break Free Academy, LLC & Apex Entourage Copyright 2019
Address: 15303 N Dallas Parkway #290 Addison, Texas 75001 | Phone: 1-310-987-7951
This site is not a part of the Facebook website or Facebook, Inc. Additionally this website is NOT endorsed by Facebook in any way. Facebook is a trademark of FACEBOOK, INC.

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